Planning for the evolution of the electric grid with a long-run marginal emission rate - data and code

Data and code generated for the paper "Planning for the evolution of the electric grid with a long-run marginal emission rate", Pieter Gagnon and Wesley Cole, 2022.
5 Data Resources
Name Size Type Resource Description History
Data 1.04 GB Archive Input data
Code 14.24 KB Archive Python scripts used for analysis and figure creation
Figures 1.7 MB Archive Figures generated for the paper.
Readme 1.27 KB Document Readme text file describing the order to run the scripts to recreate the analysis and figures.
Results 7.28 KB Data Metric evaluation results from the paper
Author Information
Pieter Gagnon, Grid Planning and Analysis Center, ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4006-1719
Wesley Cole, Grid Planning and Analysis Center, ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9194-065X
Cite This Dataset
Gagnon, Pieter, and Wesley Cole. 2022. "Planning for the evolution of the electric grid with a long-run marginal emission rate - data and code." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: July 25, 2024. DOI: 10.7799/1843377.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Strategic Priorities and Impact Analysis (EE-61)
Research Areas
Energy Analysis
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