When initially downloaded, all intermediate files and figures corresponding to the "Planning for the evolution of the electric grid with a long-run marginal emission rate" paper submission will already be created. However, if you wish to re-create any of the intermediate or final steps, follow the process below. Run process: 1) Run calc_srmer.py, specifying the baseline scenario (s0_baseline). This produces the short-run marginal emission rate values for the specified scenario. Output: srmer.csv (saved in the baseline scenario folder within the input_data directory) 2) Run calc_lrmer.py, specifying the intervention scenario being used as the prototypical intervention (s1_flat). This produces the long-run marginal emission rate values for the specified intervention scenario. Output: lrmer.csv (saved in the intervention scenario folder within the input_data directory) 3) Run calc_metric_eval.py. This evaluates the metrics for the scenarios given in scenario_map.csv. Output: metric_eval_results.csv 4) Run plot_metric_eval.py. Output: Figure 1 and Figure 2 from the paper submission, saved in the figures directory. 5) Run plot_24x365_heatmaps.py. Output: Figure 3 and Supplemental Figure 1 from the paper submission, saved in the figures directory.