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43 results found

Electrification Futures Study Technology Report Figure Data

The file includes the data for figures in the Electrification Futures Study end-use electric technologies report. Additional information on the data can be found in the report.
scenario data
Electrification Futures Study
Submitted 07/16/2018 - 13:36 by Paige Jadun

Rooftop Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States

This data submission contains a workbook with data, and three sets of shapefiles that correspond to that data. Contact: Meghan Mooney, The workbook contains data that underlies the 2016 technical report Rooftop Solar…
technical potential
Submitted 11/05/2019 - 15:20 by Meghan Mooney

Solar Futures Study Databook

The Solar Futures Study explores pathways for solar energy to drive deep decarbonization of the U.S. electric grid and considers how further electrification could decarbonize the broader energy system. This workbook contains data behind most figures…
rooftop solar
utility-scale solar
concentrating solar power
energy analysis
Solar Futures Study
Submitted 10/27/2021 - 19:29 by Robert Margolis

DEPRECATED: Levelized Cost of Charging Electric Vehicles

DEPRECATED: SEE FOR CORRECTED DATA. This data set includes the levelized cost of charging (LCOC) and lifetime fuel cost savings (LFCS) values as reported in "Levelized Cost of Charging of Electric Vehicles in the United…
electric vehicle
cost of electricity
fuel cost
utility rate analysis
demand charge
time of use
Submitted 06/12/2020 - 11:02 by Brennan Borlaug

2020 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) Cost and Performance Data for Transportation Technologies

The 2020 Transportation Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) provides detailed cost and performance data, estimates, and assumptions for vehicle and fuel technologies in the United States. The Transportation ATB includes current and projected estimates…
cost and performance
light-duty vehicle
battery electric vehicle
fuel cell electric vehicle
internal combustion engine vehicle
hybrid electric vehicle
plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
vehicle cost
fuel economy
levelized cost of driving
United States
Submitted 08/22/2020 - 21:25 by Paige Jadun

Levelized Cost of Charging Electric Vehicles

This data set includes the levelized cost of charging (LCOC) and lifetime fuel cost savings (LFCS) values as reported in "Levelized Cost of Charging of Electric Vehicles in the United States." Values are reported at the state and national levels for…
electric vehicle
cost of electricty
fuel cost
utility rate analysis
demand charge
time of use
Submitted 09/18/2020 - 18:12 by Brennan Borlaug

Heavy-Duty Electric Fleet Depot Charging Load Profiles & Substation Load Integration Assessment Results

This data set includes the 24-hour fleet depot charging load profiles (15-min. average demand) and substation load integration assessment results produced for the study, "Heavy-Duty Truck Electrification and the Impacts of Depot Charging on Electricity…
heavy-duty vehicles
electric vehicle
EV-grid integration
distribution systems
Submitted 04/20/2021 - 14:26 by Brennan Borlaug

Assessing Total Cost of Driving Competitiveness of Zero-Emission Trucks

This file includes supporting data on modeled medium and heavy-duty vehicle (MHDV) stock, sales, energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and total cost of driving (TCD) for the scenarios presented in "Assessing Total Cost of Driving…
electric vehicles
medium-duty vehicles
heavy-duty vehicles
zero-emission vehicles
TEMPO model
Submitted 02/01/2024 - 13:16 by Catherine Ledna

Impact of uncoordinated plug-in electric vehicle charging on residential power demand - supplementary data

This data set is provided in support of a forthcoming paper: "Impact of uncoordinated plug-in electric vehicle charging on residential power demand," [1]. These files include electricity demand profiles for 200 households randomly selected among the…
residential power demand
plug-in electric vehicles
PEV charging
smart grid
demand response
renewable energy
2009 RECS
electricity use
grid modernization
Submitted 06/13/2017 - 16:01 by Matteo Muratori

Battery inverter experimental data

The increase in power electronic based generation sources require accurate modeling of inverters. Accurate modeling requires experimental data over wider operation range. We used 30 kW off-the-shelf grid following battery inverter in the experiments. We…
battery inverter
data analysis
data visualizations
database for artificial intelligence training
database for inverter characterization
database for model validation
artificial intelligence
machine learning
reinforcement learning
Submitted 01/06/2023 - 11:53 by Kumaraguru Prabakar