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Opportunities for Solar for Industrial Process Heat in the United States

Figure data for report on opportunities for solar technologies to provide industrial process heat in the United States (NREL/TP-6A20-77760).
solar industrial process heat
heat pumps
technical potential
concentrating solar power
Submitted 12/24/2020 - 06:03 by Colin McMillan

Grid Connected Functionality

Dataset demonstrating the potential benefits that residential buildings can provide for frequency regulation services in the electric power grid. In a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation, simulated homes along with a physical laboratory home are…
frequency regulation
home energy management
connected appliances
Energy Systems Integration Facility
power grid
residential buildings
Submitted 06/21/2016 - 13:34 by Kyri Baker

Status and Trends in the U.S. Voluntary Green Power Market (2021 Data)

This data book provides certain data behind figures and tables found in the NREL presentation "Status and Trends in the Voluntary Market (2021 Data)." These data reflect estimates based on the best available data. Excluded Data This data book…
voluntary market
green power
Submitted 09/26/2022 - 10:36 by Jesse Carey