Grid Connected Functionality

Dataset demonstrating the potential benefits that residential buildings can provide for frequency regulation services in the electric power grid. In a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) implementation, simulated homes along with a physical laboratory home are coordinated via a grid aggregator, and it is shown that their aggregate response has the potential to follow the regulation signal on a timescale of seconds. Connected (communication-enabled), devices in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) received demand response (DR) requests from a grid aggregator, and the devices responded accordingly to meet the signal while satisfying user comfort bounds and physical hardware limitations.
1 Data Resource
Name Size Type Resource Description History
demo.sqlite 19.3 MB Document This database was populated from the demo-run of VOLTTRON in ESIF, using the historian agent. Format: List of topics and their units. Attribute Unit datalogger/log/dac/EV_AC Watts datalogger/log/dac/evse Watts datalogger/log/dac/house Watts datalogger/log/dac/hpwh Watts datalogger/log/dac/hvac Watts datalogger/log/dac/light Watts datalogger/log/dac/poolpump Watts datalogger/log/evse_relay_set/max_charge_rate_set Watts datalogger/log/evse_relay_set/mode_set_CEA2045 string datalogger/log/evse_relay_state/max_charge_rate Watts datalogger/log/evse_relay_state/mode_CEA2045 String datalogger/log/frequency_regulation/frequency_regulation float datalogger/log/hpwh_relay_set/control_signals_API String datalogger/log/hpwh_relay_state_mode/hpwh_mode_API String datalogger/log/hpwh_relay_state/hpwh_temp_bottom F datalogger/log/hpwh_relay_state/hpwh_temp_top F datalogger/log/hvac_relay_setpoint_set/setpoint F datalogger/log/hvac_relay_state/air_temp F datalogger/log/hvac_relay_state/hvac_mode integer datalogger/log/hvac_relay_state/setpoint F datalogger/log/light_relay_mode_set/light_selector_set integer datalogger/log/light_relay_setpoint_set/light_intensity_set integer datalogger/log/light_relay_state/IntensityA integer datalogger/log/light_relay_state/IntensityB integer datalogger/log/light_relay_state/light_selector_mode integer datalogger/log/poolpump_relay_set/max_charge_rate_set Watts datalogger/log/poolpump_relay_set/mode_set integer datalogger/log/poolpump_relay_state/max_power Watts datalogger/log/poolpump_relay_state/mode_CEA2045 string datalogger/log/sc_house/provided_EV Watts datalogger/log/sc_house/provided_house Watts datalogger/log/sc_house/provided_HVAC Watts datalogger/log/sc_house/requested Watts datalogger/log/simulation/total_reg_provided Watts datalogger/log/simulation/total_reg_requested Watts All timestamps are strings of the form "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" All topics containing 'zz_simulation' are the power consumption of the simulated appliances in Watts. The Topics table contains a list of availabe topics on the volttron message bus. (topic_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, topic_name TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(topic_name)) The data table is a timeseries database of the topics from the topics table mapped by topic_id. (ts timestamp NOT NULL, topic_id INTEGER NOT NULL, value_string TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(ts, topic_id))
Author Information
Kyri Baker, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Xin Jin, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Deepthi Vaidhynathan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wesley Jones, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dane Christensen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Bethany Sparn, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Jason Woods, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Harry Sorensen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Monte Lunacek, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Cite This Dataset
Baker, Kyri, Xin Jin, Deepthi Vaidhynathan, Wesley Jones, Dane Christensen, Bethany Sparn, Jason Woods, Harry Sorensen, and Monte Lunacek. 2016. "Grid Connected Functionality." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: December 18, 2024. DOI: 10.7799/1325733.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
Grid Connected Functionality
Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF)
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Energy Efficiency Office. Building Technologies Office
Research Areas
Buildings Efficiency
Energy Systems Integration
Grid Modernization
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