United States County-Level Industrial Energy Use

Estimated industrial manufacturing agriculture construction and mining energy estimated by North American Industrial Classification System NAICS code county and fuel type for 2014. Additional disaggregation by end use e.g. machine drive process heating facility lighting is provided for manufacturing agriculture and mining industries. Estimation approach is described in detail in the data_foundation folder here https//github.com/NREL/Industry-Energy-Tool/.
7 Data Resources
Name Size Type Resource Description History
Mining_EndUse.gz 898.61 KB Archive Energy by end use for mining industries (NAICS 21).
Agriculture_EndUse.gz 4.77 MB Archive Energy by end use for agricultural industries (NAICS 11).
Process_temperatures.csv 10.66 KB Data Temperature (degrees Celsius) assumptions by industry (defined by Standard Industrial Classification code), process type, and heat type.
County_industry_energy_use.gz 2.89 MB Archive Energy use (in TBtu) by county, industry type (NAICS code) and fuel type.
IET_MECS2014_abs_diff.csv 50.53 KB Data Absolute difference (in TBtu) between IET foundational data and 2014 MECS. Values of NaN represent instances where IET value > 0 and MECS value is withheld.
IET_MECS2014_perc_diff.csv 50.03 KB Data Percent difference between IET foundational data and 2014 MECS. Values of NaN represent instances where IET value > 0 and MECS value is withheld; values of inf represent instances where IET value >0 and MECS == 0.
manufacturing_EndUse.gz 25.77 MB Archive County manufacturing energy use by end-use type.
Author Information
Colin McMillan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Vinayak Narwade, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Cite This Dataset
McMillan, Colin, and Vinayak Narwade. 2018. "United States County-Level Industrial Energy Use." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: July 24, 2024. DOI: 10.7799/1481899.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
Integrated Nuclear-Renewable Energy Systems Analysis
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Research Areas
Energy Analysis
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