Maximum demand charge rates for commercial and industrial electricity tariffs in the United States

NREL has assembled a list of U.S. retail electricity tariffs and their associated demand charge rates for the Commercial and Industrial sectors. The data was obtained from the Utility Rate Database. Keep the following information in mind when interpreting the data:
(1) These data were interpreted and transcribed manually from utility tariff sheets, which are often complex. It is a certainty that these data contain errors, and therefore should only be used as a reference. Actual utility tariff sheets should be consulted if an action requires this type of data.
(2) These data only contains tariffs that were entered into the Utility Rate Database. Since not all tariffs are designed in a format that can be entered into the Database, this list is incomplete - it does not contain all tariffs in the United States.
(3) These data may have changed since this list was developed
(4) Many of the underlying tariffs have additional restrictions or requirements that are not represented here. For example, they may only be available to the agricultural sector or closed to new customers.
(5) If there are multiple demand charge elements in a given tariff, the maximum demand charge is the sum of each of the elements at any point in time. Where tiers were present, the highest rate tier was assumed. The value is a maximum for the year, and may be significantly different from demand charge rates at other times in the year.
Utility Rate Database:
1 Data Resource
Name Size Type Resource Description History
Demand charge rate data.xlsm 2.47 MB Document A list of U.S. retail electricity tariffs and their associated maximum demand charge rates for the commercial and industrial sectors.
Author Information
Joyce McLaren, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Pieter Gagnon, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Daniel Zimny-Schmitt, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Michael DeMinco, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Eric Wilson, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Cite This Dataset
McLaren, Joyce, Pieter Gagnon, Daniel Zimny-Schmitt, Michael DeMinco, and Eric Wilson. 2017. "Maximum demand charge rates for commercial and industrial electricity tariffs in the United States." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: July 24, 2024. DOI: 10.7799/1392982.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
Solar-plus-Storage: Cost Reduction through Optimization and Market Characterization
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Solar Energy Technologies Office (EE-4S)
Research Areas
Buildings Efficiency
Energy Analysis
Grid Modernization
Solar Power
Wind Energy
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