Data for "Arsenic Activation and Compensation in Single Crystal CdTe Bilayers"

Figure files and raw data associated with manuscript entitled "Arsenic activation and compensation in single crystal CdTe bilayers"

37 Data Resources
Name Size Type Resource Description History
Figures 2/3a/S5/S6 Igor File 92 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figures 2, 3a, S5, and S6. This file has the actual figures found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 2 Raw Data 19 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 2 in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 2, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 3a Raw Data 17 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 3a in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 3a, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure S5 Raw Data 17 KB Data The first tab contains the exact DSIMS data used to create Figure S5 in Igor. The second tab contains the corresponding sample descriptions.
Figure S6 Raw Data 20 KB Data The first and third tab contains the exact data used to create Figure S6 in Igor. The second and fourth tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure S6, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 3b Igor File 54 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure 3b. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 3b Raw Data 20 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 3b in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 3b, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 4 Igor File 66 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure 4. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 4 Raw Data 18 KB Data The first tab contains the exact DSIMS data used to create Figure 4 in Igor. The second tab contains the corresponding sample descriptions.
Figure 5 Igor File 23 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure 5. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 5 Raw Data 14 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 5 in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 5, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 6 Igor File 270 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure 6. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 6 Raw Data 29 KB Data The first two tabs contains the exact DSIMS data used to create Figure 6 in Igor. The third tab contains the corresponding sample descriptions.
Figure 7 Igor File 45 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure 7. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 7 Raw Data 13 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 7 in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 7, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 8/9/S4/S8 Igor File 73 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figures 8, 9, S4, and S8. This file has the actual figures found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 8 Raw Data 13 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 8 in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 8, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 9 Raw Data 11 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure 9 in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure 9, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure S4 Raw Data 14 KB Data The first two tabs contain the exact data used to create Figure S4 in Igor. The third tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure S4, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure S8 Raw Data 11 KB Data The first tab contains the exact data used to create Figure S8 in Igor. The second tab contains the Hall data used to make Figure S8, along with the corresponding sample descriptions, and calculations.
Figure 10 Igor File 1.6 MB Document The Igor project associated with Figure 10. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure 10 Raw Data 143 KB Data The first tab contains the exact low temperature PL data used to create Figure 10 in Igor. The second tab contains the corresponding sample descriptions.
Figure S2a Igor File 41 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2a. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2b Igor File 44 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2b. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2c Igor File 44 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2c. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2d Igor File 47 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2d. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2e Igor File 47 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2e. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2f Igor File 50 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2f. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2g Igor File 58 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2g. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2h Igor File 52 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S2h. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S2 Raw Data 347 KB Data This file contains the DSIMS data and fitting parameters associated with Figure S2. Each tab is a sample and is labelled with its specific portion of Figure S2.
Figure S3 Igor File 21 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S3. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S3 Raw Data 13 KB Data The first tab contains the data used to create Figure S3 in Igor. The second tab contains the corresponding sample descriptions and calculations.
Figure S7 Igor File 12 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S7. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S7 Raw Data 11 KB Data This file contains the exact data used to create Figure S7, with italicized comments to provide sample descriptions.
Figure S9 Igor File 140 KB Document The Igor project associated with Figure S9. This file has the actual figure found in the manuscript (some modifications may have been made in power point to create the final figure).
Figure S9 Raw Data 50 KB Data The first tab contains the exact room temperature PL data used to create Figure S9 in Igor. The second tab contains the corresponding sample descriptions.
Author Information
Andrea Mathew, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0009-0009-6902-8654
Hongling Lott, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5758-6645
Eric Colegrove, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3811-2193
Matt Young, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Darius Kuciauskas, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8091-5718
Colin Wolden, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Matthew Reese, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Cite This Dataset
Mathew, Andrea, Hongling Lott, Eric Colegrove, Matt Young, Darius Kuciauskas, Colin Wolden, and Matthew Reese. 2024. "Data for "Arsenic Activation and Compensation in Single Crystal CdTe Bilayers"." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: December 27, 2024. DOI: 10.7799/2483608.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
Materials & Chemical Science & Technology (MCS)
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Renewable Power Office. Solar Energy Technologies Office
Research Areas
Solar Power
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