Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (December 2021)

This database represents a list of community solar projects identified through various sources as of Dec 2021. The list has been reviewed but errors may exist and the list may not be comprehensive. Errors in the sources e.g. press releases may be duplicated in the list. Blank spaces represent missing information. NREL invites input to improve the database including to - correct erroneous information - add missing projects - fill in missing information - remove inactive projects. Updated information can be submitted to Kaifeng Xu at and Jenny Heeter at The June 2019 list can be found here: The May 2020 list can be found here: The June 2020 list can be found here: The Dec 2020 list can be found here:
1 Data Resource
Name Size Type Resource Description History
Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (Dec 2021) 876.19 KB Data This work was authored in part by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, operated by Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308. Funding provided by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office. The authors also acknowledge the Univeristy of Minnesota for support of the project. The views expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes.
Author Information
Gabriel Chan, University of Minnesota
Jenny Heeter, Strategic Energy Analysis Center, ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4768-6663
Kaifeng Xu, Strategic Energy Analysis Center, ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1983-2694
Cite This Dataset
Chan, Gabriel, Jenny Heeter, and Kaifeng Xu. 2022. "Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (December 2021)." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: July 25, 2024. DOI: 10.7799/1845718.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
National Community Solar Partnership: NREL
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Solar Energy Technologies Office (EE-4S)
Research Areas
Energy Analysis
Solar Power
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