Workplace Charging Data

A data set gathered and maintained by NREL that tracks over 300 vehicles during the course of a 4-year period and how they behave in a workplace charging capacity. The data is further enriched by examining the effect of free charging versus paid charging. There is also a distinction in data marked by the onset of Covid-19. Vehicles are owned and operated by employees and range from smaller pack PHEV to larger pack BEVs.

2 Data Resources
Name Size Type Resource Description History
Data Set Oct 2021 7.6 MB Data The full dataset for all NREL Campus charge events to October 2021, please see for an in depth description of the data set, summary statistics and plots showing workplace charging insights.
Technical Report 0 KB Website Companion paper describing the data set, methods for gathering, summary statistics and plots showing workplace charging insights.
Author Information
Christopher Neuman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0467-5027
Andrew Meintz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8515-0988
Myungsoo Jun, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6861-6915
Cite This Dataset
Neuman, Christopher, Andrew Meintz, and Myungsoo Jun. 2022. "Workplace Charging Data." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: January 21, 2025. DOI: 10.7799/1838140.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
smaRt Electric vehicle CHArging for a reliable and Resilient Grid (RECHARGE)
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Office of Sustainable Transportation. Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO)
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