This dataset includes yearlong, one-minute resolution time series profiles for the big box retail grocery stores stores simulated in Phoenix, Houston, Denver, and Minneapolis, as well as electric vehicle charging time series profiles for the various ports, charging levels, and station utilizations produced for the study "Impact of electric vehicle charging on the power demand of retail buildings", published in 2021 (
Please cite as:
Gilleran, M., Bonnema, E., Woods, J. et al. Impact of electric vehicle charging on the power demand of retail buildings. Advances in Applied Energy 4, (2021).
Please cite as:
Gilleran, M., Bonnema, E., Woods, J. et al. Impact of electric vehicle charging on the power demand of retail buildings. Advances in Applied Energy 4, (2021).
3 Data Resources
Name | Size | Type | Resource Description | History |
Journal Article | 0 KB | Website | | |
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Load Profiles | 34.05 MB | Archive | Yearlong, one-minute resolution time series profiles for electric vehicle stations with various ports, charging levels, and station utilizations. Each csv is labeled: 'ev_station_xport_ykW_zevent.csv', where x is the number of ports at the station, y is the power level per port, and z is the number of charging events per port per day. | |
Big Box Grocery Store Load Profiles | 18.16 MB | Archive | Yearlong, one-minute resolution time series profiles for the big box retail grocery stores stores simulated in Phoenix, Houston, Denver, and Minneapolis. |
• Oct •
Center for Integrated Mobility Sciences
Cite This Dataset
Gilleran, Madeline, Eric Bonnema, Jason Woods, Partha Mishra, Ian Doebber, Chad Hunter, and Margaret Mann. 2021. "Big Box Retail Grocery Store and Electric Vehicle Station Load Profiles." NREL Data Catalog. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Last updated: December 12, 2023. DOI: 10.7799/1827356.
About This Dataset
DOE Project
Behind the Meter Storage (BTMS) Task: Systems analysis and optimization around common metrics
Funding Organization
Department of Energy (DOE)
Sponsoring Organization
USDOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Building Technologies Office (EE-5B)
Research Areas
Buildings Efficiency
Energy Systems Integration
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