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6 results found

Heavy-Duty Electric Fleet Depot Charging Load Profiles & Substation Load Integration Assessment Results

This data set includes the 24-hour fleet depot charging load profiles (15-min. average demand) and substation load integration assessment results produced for the study, "Heavy-Duty Truck Electrification and the Impacts of Depot Charging on Electricity…
heavy-duty vehicles
electric vehicle
EV-grid integration
distribution systems
Submitted 04/20/2021 - 14:26 by Brennan Borlaug

Heavy-Duty Vehicle Activity for EPA MOVES

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) is a publicly available tool used by researchers and policymakers to help understand motor vehicle emission sources at a national, county, and project level…
Fleet DNA
heavy-duty vehicles
start and idle activity
Submitted 06/04/2021 - 13:00 by Chen Zhang

Results from "Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks"

This data set includes modeling results from “Charging Needs for Electric Semi-Trailer Trucks” including charging demand distributions and charging speed requirements for the multiple scenarios and semi-trailer truck operating segments described in the…
electric vehicle
heavy-duty vehicles
EV Charging
extreme fast charging
Submitted 10/10/2022 - 09:40 by Brennan Borlaug

Assessing Total Cost of Driving Competitiveness of Zero-Emission Trucks

This file includes supporting data on modeled medium and heavy-duty vehicle (MHDV) stock, sales, energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and total cost of driving (TCD) for the scenarios presented in "Assessing Total Cost of Driving…
electric vehicles
medium-duty vehicles
heavy-duty vehicles
zero-emission vehicles
TEMPO model
Submitted 02/01/2024 - 13:16 by Catherine Ledna

National Summary Statistics for Depot-Based Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Operations

This file provides nationally aggregated summary statistics to characterize the daily operations of medium and heavy duty vehicles. It provides typical daily driving distances, domicile dwell durations, and one version of potential normalized electric…
transportation data
medium-duty vehicles
heavy-duty vehicles
transit buses
school buses
commercial fleet vehicle operating data
electric vehicles
PEV charging
load profiile
Submitted 02/20/2024 - 13:13 by Matthew Bruchon

Fleet DNA

Available online at, the Fleet DNA clearinghouse of commercial fleet vehicle operating data helps manufacturers and developers optimize vehicle designs and helps fleet managers choose advanced technologies for their fleets…
Fleet DNA
medium-duty vehicles
heavy-duty vehicles
commercial fleet vehicle operating data
vehicle manufacturers
vehicle operators
fleet managers
advanced vehicle technologies
data visualizations
commercial vehicle vocations
United States
on-line tool
Submitted 03/28/2016 - 16:51 by