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168 results found

BENEFIT with Northeastern University: HVAC Hardware-in-the-Loop Experimental Testing of Heat Pump and Air Conditioner

This dataset includes HVAC Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) experimental results for a single stage, SEER 16, HSPF 9.5, 3-ton single-speed air source heat pump with 15 kW of backup auxiliary heating tested in both cooling and heating mode, and a two-stage,…
heat pumps
Air Conditioner
experimental testing
backup auxiliary heating
outdoor temperatures
indoor setpoint temperatures
Systems Performance Laboratory
test matrix
load up
load shed
Submitted 09/09/2024 - 16:02 by Sugirdhalakshmi Ramaraj

Thermal Cooling Water Datasets for Electric Sector Modeling

This spreadsheet contains data inputs associated with representations of water (i.e., use, supply, costs) for thermo-electric based production. Values in this spreadsheet have been used to support multiple transmission-related planning studies, using…
environmental modeling
Regional Energy Deployment System Model
Submitted 09/09/2024 - 09:51 by Stuart Cohen

Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (June 2024)

This database represents a list of community solar projects, as well as the low-income (LI) and low- and moderate-income (LMI) provisions for both complete and pending projects identified through various sources as of June 2024. The list has been…
community solar
solar market
Submitted 08/30/2024 - 09:54 by Kaifeng Xu


Despite the extraordinary rise in power conversion efficiency over the last decade, metal halide perovskite (MHP) photovoltaics (PV) remain more mechanically fragile than other PV technologies. In this work, we report on the use of scribe area, created…
metal halide perovskite
halide perovskite
solar energy
Submitted 08/29/2024 - 11:03 by Lance Wheeler

Reference Site Condition Datasets for Floating Wind Arrays in the United States

Floating offshore wind farm design is highly site-specific, requiring detailed information about the specific conditions of a project area for realistic design studies. Unfortunately, publicly available site condition data for potential floating offshore…
Floating offshore wind
Metocean data
Metocean conditions
Soil conditions
Site conditions
Humboldt Bay
Morro Bay
Gulf of Maine
Gulf of Mexico
Submitted 08/02/2024 - 10:47 by Michael Biglu

State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2024 Q3 Update)

The purpose of this dataset is to summarize current community solar policies and low-income stipulations by state in the United States as of June 2024. The "State_Program" sheet summarizes the key policy details for each state. The previous version…
community solar
solar policy
renewable policy
Submitted 06/26/2024 - 20:17 by Kaifeng Xu

Screening Tool for Equitable Adoption and Deployment of Solar (STEADy Solar)

The Screening Tool for Equitable Adoption and DeploYment of Solar (STEADy Solar) is a database and mapping tool designed to promoting clean energy investments for low-income communities across the United States. The tool indicates locations that may be…
equitable solar adoption
census tract
Inflation Reduction Act
solar economics
solar site selection
commercial solar
Residential Solar
LMI Communities
Energy Communities Tax Credit Bonus
Brownfield Properties
Low Income Communities Bonus Credit Program
Multifamily affordable housing
Tribal Land
National Structures Inventory
Renewable Energy Potential model
Submitted 05/16/2024 - 15:14 by Isa Ferrall-Wolf

State Policies and Programs for Community Solar (2024 Q2 Update)

The purpose of this dataset is to summarize current community solar policies and low-income stipulations by the state in the United States as of April 2024. The previous version of this resource, published December 2022, can be accessed at: https:/…
solar policy
community solar
PV photovoltaic solar energy
Submitted 04/02/2024 - 09:59 by Kaifeng Xu

Sharing the Sun Community Solar Project Data (December 2023)

This database represents a list of community solar projects identified through various sources as of Dec 2023. In addition, this dataset updated the low-income (LI) and low- and moderate-income (LMI) provisions for both complete and pending projects,…
community solar
solar market
Submitted 03/08/2024 - 09:50 by Kaifeng Xu

WAP & LIHEAP for Solar Survey Responses and Plan Analyses

This data contains the results of surveys given to LIHEAP/WAP administrators in 2022, 2023, and 2024, as well as spreadsheets coding states' annual LIHEAP and WAP plans from 2021, 2022, and 2023 for mentions of solar energy. This data is the second…
solar energy
Residential Solar
Submitted 03/06/2024 - 09:05 by Jeff Cook